Pradžia places of interest chapels Imbradas Church of the Crucified Jesus
Imbradas Church of the Crucified Jesus
A. Stauskas

The classic folk style of the Imbradas Church of the Crucified Jesus is the only example of a structure featuring harmonious proportions and tectonic composition in the Zarasai district. Pranciškus Molis funded the construction of the church in 1786-1787, while brothers Jonas and Pranciškus Prūsoka financed its restoration and decoration. Later, during the period of Lithuania’s independence, the church underwent further renovation – the floor was lowered, the church was painted and the interior was decorated (the ceiling, the main and side altars).



Address: Imbradas
GPS coordinates: 55.829711, 26.217343
Other information:

District, With children, Imbradas parish
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