The hillfort’s slopes are steep, reaching up to fourteen metres in height. The hillfort is located about 0.5km to the north-east of the village of Maniuliškės, and close to two lakes, Kumpuolaitis and Kumpuolis. The hillfort is situated on the cap at the top of the hill. The site is trapezoidal in shape, elongated in an east-west direction, 50m long, 29m wide at the eastern end, and 18m at the western end. At its western edge, an embankment was added, 2m high and 20m wide, with a 5m-high outer slope. In 1933, Petras Tarasenka excavated a total area of 28m2 in various parts of the site where he found a cultural layer which was up to 1.2m deep. The hillfort dates back to the period between the first millennium BC and the early second millennium AD.